Huh, since when does illegally stealing video, making your own words and posting it on youtube count as film making?
5 October 2011
Huh, since when does illegally stealing video, making your own words and posting it on youtube count as film making? That literally is all that they did. This should be taken OFF of IMDb immediately! I am surprised that these people haven't already been in court for loads of lawsuits, especially after posting their real names.

Seriously... If this is all it takes to be considered "film makers," I'll just grab a classic, say, Disney's "Alice in Wonderland," cut it down, and re-record my own script making it sound like a soft core porn. I wonder how long it would be until people start claiming I made a wonderful movie? Guess when? NEVER, because if I did that, I DIDN'T MAKE IT!
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