Review of Accused

Accused (1936)
Average murder mystery
24 September 2011
Douglas Fairbanks was the producer and star of this fairly average murder mystery.In his autobiography he devotes only a page to it.He was originally only going to produce it.He was devoting all of his energies to trying to raise funds for 2 major pictures.As he was unsuccessful in getting those projects started and this film needed a male lead he decided to take the part.He mentions that Leo Genn had a small part in the courtroom but i could not see him.This film is of a then popular genre.the murder of a star who was antagonistic to others backstage in a theatre.This film may have attempted to copy the rather more lavish and successful "Murder At The vanities".This film has some musical numbers at the beginning,but it is played straight after the opening quarter of an hour.The plot is fairly mundane although i confess that i did not spot the killer.there are plenty of familiar faces including Googie withers,Florence Desmond,Esme Percy and of course Moore Marriott under his full name.In all it is a fairly average film reasonably entertaining.
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