Behemoth (2011 TV Movie)
SyFy have done much worse, but this was for a monster movie plodding and by-the-numbers
7 September 2011
As I have said, many times, I do dislike intensely a vast majority of SyFy's output save a few exceptions, though I do watch them to see if there are some at least decent films among the sea of crud. Behemoth is not down there with SyFy's worst, not with Quantum Apocalypse, Alien vs. Hunter, Dinocroc vs. Supergator, Moby Dick: 2010 and Titanic II.

What does salvage the movie from being bottom-of-the-barrel quality like the aforementioned titles are the surprisingly good CGI effects, when I finally saw the monster fully I was surprised at how good it looked compared to other effects I've seen on the channel. Also William B. Davis while not outstanding gives a noteworthy performance.

Everything else didn't engage sadly. The settings were okay, but the haphazard editing and rather dim lighting prevented me from properly enjoying. The story is rather plodding, very predictable and by-the-numbers, with any thrills, suspense and tension feeling somewhat tame and only the ending properly exciting.

The script is banal and as plodding as the story. The beginning especially is full of overlong and sometimes meaningless exposition. The direction is often unfocused too, the sound is lacking in clarity even in crucial scenes and the music to me was forgettable at best.

The characters are lifeless, clichéd and none of the characters emotionally resonated with me in any way. This is not just the script and expositions, but the dull acting also plays a major factor in this. Davis as far as I was concerned was the only one who tried, everyone looked bored and were phoning in.

Overall, SyFy has done worse but I don't recommend Behemoth. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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