Sweet Karma (2009)
Good action film with a difference
5 September 2011
I was very surprised that this film has such a low rating. I think it is excellent for what it is - a tough action film.

What I especially liked about this film was that the main character is a woman, with a hint of lesbianism about her, who knows how to take care of business. Realistic? Heck no - but how many action films are? Could Karma really physically overpower the various thugs she comes up against - I seriously doubt it - but it doesn't matter. The fun in this film is that these guys are total scumbags and you know she's going to get them - you look forward with eager anticipation to the moment when she does.

I felt beautiful Shera Bechard did an excellent job as Karma Balint, a mute Russian woman, I was also quite taken with the handsome and talented John Tokatlidis as William and thought Christian Bako, who played Tomas, made him an interesting character as well.

I also thought the twist just before the end of the film was quite creative; I certainly wasn't expecting it.

The only two things that I have minor quibbles with is the fact I think they would've had more dimension with their heroine if she had not been mute and I definitely would've liked more background information on Karma. Why was she able to handle herself so well when it came to dealing with these thugs? What did she do in Russia? Had she been trained in fighting skills? Had she been a secret assassin in Russia? What was her background and history? We are told that she was mute from birth, and we understand her motivation for being in Toronto but beyond that we know virtually nothing.

The lack of background on the main character is why I gave this 9 stars rather than 10.
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