Uncertainty (2008)
Fork in the Road
25 August 2011
Walking along the Brooklyn Bridge on the Fourth of July, Canadian musician Joseph Gordon-Levitt (as Bobby Thompson) and his recently seeded sweetheart Lynn Collins (as Kate Montero) can't decide whether to spend some time in Brooklyn or Manhattan. They flip a coin, but run in opposite directions. Wearing green, Mr. Gordon-Levitt heads for Brooklyn. Wearing yellow, Ms. Collins runs for Chinatown. No wise cracks. In their respective boroughs, Gordon-Levitt and Collins meet color-coordinated partners, so we have both a green and yellow-tinged version of the couple running in parallel stories...

Yellow Joey finds a cell phone in a yellow cab, which he and Lynn try to return to the owner. This turns out to be a dangerous decision. Meanwhile, in a green car, green Joey and Lynn find a stray dog "Tiger" on the way to visit her family. This symbolizes the domestic story. That the actors are improvising is sometimes more conspicuous than the coloring. "Uncertainty" features semi-wobbly, but beautifully color-coordinated photography from Rain Li and complimentary music by Peter Nashel. There is some fine work from co-directors Scott McGehee and David Siegel, who have little to say...

****** Uncertainty (2/6/09) Scott McGehee, David Siegel ~ Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Lynn Collins, Assumpta Serna, Olivia Thirlby
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