Review of Stake Land

Stake Land (2010)
Absolute disappointment.
13 August 2011
This film started off amazingly fast. So fast, in fact, that there was no real introduction or explanation. The main characters come into the screen and you are just supposed to run with them. Where did they come from? What is their story? It all remains a mystery. This doesn't allow you to care about any of them for one second. No one had any real clear motives.

As the film goes on, the story just seems to want to jump from one action scene to the next. People come and go. The dialogue is lame and so is pretty much every single decision the characters make.

Just as fast as it started, it ends. On an amazing cliffhanger. The blackout. For me, this was Zombieland. Only instead of great comedy you get great confusion and instead of zombies you get vampires and bad writing. Would not recommend this to anyone.
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