Gunman's Walk (1958)
Gunman's Walk-The Way they Used to Make Westerns ***1/2
11 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was the old-fashioned western and it works well as it deals with the human element and a father's failed attempt to raise his cocky son, the latter too involved with gun play and the resulting tragedies that come about. Of course, Van Heflin, as the patriarch, shows his mettle and his determination to defend a son (Tab Hunter) who can do no wrong, despite violent behavior. James Darren also shines as the good son, in love with Kathryn Grant, a half-Indian whose brother Hunter (Ed) killed which sets him in a spiraling downward motion.

Once the spiraling occurs, we see a different Heflin emerge. He soon shows that he is a stubborn man refusing to face reality and shows his bigotry towards Davie (Darren) and the Indian-girl he loves.
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