Underrated playfully bleak film
24 July 2011
A true guilty pleasure, I was surprised I liked this as much as I did.

Roger Avery approaches it with a funny, light, high energy touch, not asking us to take Brett Easton Ellis's nihilism too seriously.

Consequently, a film where every character is deeply flawed and narcissistic is never boring, and often full of a visceral energy. It even has occasional moments where it becomes moving. And many of the showy style tricks work with the excesses of the story.

Yes, it's film studenty at times, and chunks are too familiar and on the nose (Faye Dunaway and Swoozie Kurtz as boozy moms who choose not to see how screwed up their kids are, the extra shallow treatment of the gay character. etc).

I can't really argue this is a great film, but I can't deny I enjoyed watching it, was never bored, and was even made to think.

Fun soundtrack and a good Tomandandy score too.
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