Let Me Off Uptown was another highly enjoyable Soundie I watched on YouTube
16 July 2011
Just watched this Soundie on YouTube which begins with "The Ace Drummer Man" Gene Krupa playing his drums before singer Anita O'Day sings the title song which is accompanied by a couple of dancers with the male being dark-skinned and the female the opposite. Oh, and lots of scenes of the rest of the orchestra playing their parts, too. Once again, this was another enjoyable "music video" from the '40s that played on Panorams (film jukeboxes) in various restaurants, bars, and train or bus stations all over the country during this time. Quite infectious, this music from an era before I was even born. Since I'm near the 10-line requirement, I'll just say if you're as interested in this era like I am, you'll highly enjoy Let Me Off Uptown.
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