Splinter (I) (2008)
Dark Gem
7 July 2011
My horror binge continues and scouring the recommendations of other IMDb-er's I found this. The story is pretty loose and fantastical, guy n girl pick up hitch hikers, who are on the run from the cops and in stopping at a service station are attacked by a mutated corpse who can infect them ... and then its all survival, and screaming and chasing. It sounds lamer than it is. I was pleasantly surprised, the effects were good, bar a few and I really liked the twisted flicker approach of seeing but not seeing the creature, which some others may find annoying, but I thought added a bit more tension to viewing, in not really knowing what the creature looked like as it cracks and snaps bones all over the place =] There are some instances where you'll wonder if these people are thinking logically (the arm incident and later the fire) but still, I think this is a great little movie and I'd recommend it.
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