This short film has a nice reading from various celebrities of the Declaration of Independence
4 July 2011
With today being the Fourth of July and thus another anniversary of the day the Declaration of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, I looked up wikipedia for an article about it and found out about this video on YouTube that was produced by Norman Lear and Rob Reiner and co-directed by Frank Capra III who is the grandson of the famous director. Morgan Freeman intros about Jefferson and his wanting to include an anti-slavery passage-despite himself owning some slaves-but decided against it since he knew many of his fellow delegates didn't agree. Then we witness many celebrities reading the document itself in the Philadelphia building it was presented and signed at. Among them: Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas, Kathy Bates (who reads the most familiar "We hold these truths..."), Whoopi Goldberg, Renee Zellweger, Ming-Na, Winona Ryder, Edward Norton, Kevin Spacey, Graham Greene (who reads one passage related to Native Americans or American Indians as the term would have been at the time), Benicio Del Toro. Quite touching reading from all though considering Mr. Gibson's recent troubles, it was a bit of a surprise to see him there. And John Williams' score from Saving Private Ryan was a nice touch. So on that note, this educational short is highly recommended.
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