Gospel of Deceit (2006 TV Movie)
I'm feeding the multitude
22 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** It's when the righteous and God fearing preacher Ted Wendell, J.C Meckenzie, was about to get his very own national televised TV show to spread the word of love and doing on to others that you would want done unto yourself that this handsome hungry and mysterious drifter Luke Mcilroy, Corey Sevier, shows up at Ted's church picnic, where everyone is invited, to wolf down a free ham & cheese sandwich.

Not only do all the girls at the church picnic notice the boyishly handsome and somewhat weird Luke but Ted's wife Emily, Alexandra Paul, notices him too! Given a place to stay at the church by the very kind and attentive Ted Luke's true colors start to surface. Before you know it Luke got Emily fawning all over him behind her husbands Ted's back with Ted not for once noticing, in him always counting the church's daily donations, what's going on between the two. Luke stripping off his clothes doesn't waste any time in bedding down a shocked and confused Emily to the heavy saxophone like, that sounds like 50,000 ton ship's foghorn, X-rated music that if it didn't burst your eardrums, even with ear plugs stuck inside them, would have woken up the dead if it reached a decibel or two higher!

**SPOILERS***Just when you and Emily thought that things couldn't get any worse Luke come up with the shocking revelation that he's in fact Emily's son that she thought she had aborted when she was a teenager before she met her husband Ted! What's even worse is that Emily found out after getting her annual check-up that she pregnant and that Luke, her son, is the father! It's now up to Emily to pay off her "son" with $50,000.00 of the church's money or else he'll spill the beans on her past sins and thus destroy her husbands career as a big time TV evangelist before it even beings!

***MAJOR SPOILERS*** We soon find out that there's more going on in the movie then what meets the eye or brain in that Ted himself planned this whole charade well ahead of time in order to both drive Emily insane and to kill herself so he can keep all the fame and money in his new found career as a TV evangelist to himself! In Ted's sick mind having his terribly abused wife Emily exposed as the very worst kind of a women will in fact gain him sympathy among his flock as well as jack up his TV ratings that really haven't been going anywhere lately! In the end it's Luke himself who saw the light in what he was involved in and secretly taped Ted at his favorite hangout,a biker bar, where he laid out his plans to do in his wife.

The unbelievable final few minutes of the movie are so mind boggling that I had to watch them about a half dozen times, on DVD, just to make sure that I wasn't hallucinating when I saw them! With Emily who was supposed to be dead of a drug overdose popping up in the church as Ted was giving a sermon about right and wrong and Luke showing up dressed all in leather and pulling out a tape-recorder exposing what a low-life and murderous rat Ted really was! As pandemonium broke out all Ted could think of was to gun down, after grabbing Officer Burke's(Trevor Bain)service revolver, both Emily and Luke in order to shut them up! But by then it was too late for him with the entire congregation, as well as the tens of thousands watching this spectacle on live TV, seeing just what a kind of a man Ted was which wasn't what he always claimed to be: A Man of God!
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