Whoever winds we lose, literally.
4 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus starts in the Republic of Congo where some diamond miners stumble across some giant Crocodile eggs & awaken a giant prehistoric Crocosaurus that goes on a rampage killing anyone in it's way, big game hunter Nigel Putnam (Gary Stretch) is hired to track Crocosaurus down & kill it but manages to tranquilize it in an effort to keep it alive & make a fortune from it. Meanwhile the US Navy have been busily searching for the carcass of Mega Shark but so far have been unable to locate it, then Mega Shark attacks the US Gibson & the military realise that it didn't die in it's titanic fight with Giant Octopus after all. Now two huge prehistoric predators are loose, a giant Shark & a giant Crocodile, it's up to the US military to kill them both...

Directed by Christopher Ray this is The Asylum's follow up to it's surprise cult hit Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (2009) & once again while the title promises much giant creature feature fun the actual film itself is total crap devoid of any humour, fun or entertainment. Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus is one of those films that has to be seen to be believed, it's just so bad on every level it's cringe worthy. The script is a mess with no sort of logic or subtlety about it, everyone speaks in broad sweeping statements, the attempts at character's development are embarrassing & the film makes no sense at all. Even though Mega Shark survived the last film there's no explanation behind the appearance of Crocosaurus or it's origin, was it stuck in that diamond all these years? Why not show itself before? Then there are scenes that just defy logic or reason, the part when Crocosaurus appears to eat Putnam but then spits him back out before collapsing for no apparent reason is a real head scratching moment, the way Mega Shark manages to grab a torpedo in it's mouth & jump out of the water, the way that helicopter crashes but then that woman manages to get it working again & get it flying, the way the two heroes at the end set off to battle Mega Shark & Crocosaurus in a small rubber dinghy & the idea that Mega Shark eating a nuclear submarine then make him a nuclear bomb is just plain absurd. There are many moments that defy any logic or sense, why did Putnam jump off the ship? How did he end up on the beach not far from his favourite bar? There's some nonsense about Crocosaurus laying hundreds of eggs in a matter of hours & underwater Volcanoes but it still seems odd that the might of the military can't keep track of or kill these two creatures. Why not try to poison them if their skin is so tough? Also what happened to the baby Crocosaurus monsters that hatched? Mega Shark & Crocosaurus are killed at the end but what about the baby ones that everyone seemed so worried about? They are completely forgotten about. Keep watching after the end credits as there's an extra scene in which Putnam is called away to Japan because of a giant lizard in an obvious reference to Godzilla. At 88 minutes long Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus feels like it goes on forever with endless footage set in a helicopter cockpit of the three main character's talking & inside a ship's control room as the poor actor's try to add some dramatic weight to the terrible CGI effects that are randomly spliced between them. This is just terrible, there's no fun to be had here at all & just like The Asylum this piece of crap is purely to cash-in on another film (unusually for The Asylum, one of their own though) & make money.

As expected the CGI computer effects are absolutely terrible, were they done by some random nine year old on his mom & dad's home PC? Maybe. The showpiece of Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus should have been the final climactic showdown between the two title creatures but even this is total crap, there's a bit of biting & tail slapping but otherwise you will have forgotten all about it by the time the credits have stopped rolling. There's no blood or gore apart from one severed arm & the one single likable character in the entire thing is killed off too quickly. Mega Shark seems to change size between shots while there's a badly edited scene in which Mega Shark & Crocosaurus are seen washed up fighting in the middle of a city but then in the next shot are back out at sea. This is just poor filmmaking from start to finish, no-ones heart seems in it & you can't blame them really.

Shot in Los Angeles this thing looks cheap with terrible CGI, dull locations & cheap sets. The acting is bad, the attractive blonde bird who contacts Putnam & then gets killed off was quite fun & she seemed to be trying to inject some humour into her role but like I said she is killed off too quickly to leave the rest of the untalented cast to sleepwalk though the turgid dialogue & ridiculous situations.

Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus again has a great title & could have been fun in the right hands, the hands of filmmakers who cared & had at least some talent but in the hands of the folk at The Asylum this is just one big disaster & it just awful from start to finish.
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