This Was It
8 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Over the decades, I often have thought back to the country, coming-of-age movies and TV shows that came out around the same time as the Waltons and Little House On The Prairie, among them, Palmerstown USA, Where the Red Fern Grows, Apple's Way among so many other programs.

How about that one with Glenn Ford and Julie Harris? Caught a bit of it recently. Family Hoke or something? Bit too much, really.

But I always remembered a girl who I knew was NOT Sissy Spacek swearing at someone in a (hospital room?) knew it wasn't an office.

She began talking calmly, then cut loose with "D-*- you! D*-* you!" over and over, real loud and the laziest drawl I had ever heard (I'm from the south myself).

Then it seemed she was walking home on the country road and the truck came pulling up behind her and she was cussing quietly under her breath.

It was this movie. Just watched it. There it all was again.

Did remember the kids in that runaway truck coming to a stop in the ditch out in the field like that, but didn't realize it was the same movie.

Now if I could just find the movie where the woman (Kim Darby looking) is a new teacher in the boonies and is teaching kids Old McDonald and none of them sing with her and one little girl gets up to go to the chalkboard and slides her feet across the floor and the teacher has to correct her on this.

Somebody clearly didn't know this isn't the lazy way of walking, sliding your feet on the floor like that. Not picking your feet up or dragging them is more the result that this sliding depiction.

There were many movies and TV shows about the backwoods country living, life down on the farm, but like so many things out of Hollywood, you can't really believe the way they are shown in programs and movies.
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