Batman: Louie, the Lilac (1967)
Season 3, Episode 7
Not bad, but too crammed for 30 minutes
1 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw this episode back in October 1967, I thought this seemed more than just a little bit lame. But I was also disappointed at how the show had slipped so badly from Season Two to Season Three.

That said, this is a decent outing on its own terms. Milton Berle is decent as Louie the Lilac, and it is nice to see a villain's car where some effort was made to customize it. It is also interesting to see Commissioner Gordon and his daughter get into an argument, a rare human moment.

The casting, though, is fascinating. The late Jimmy Boyd, Yvonne Craig's ex-husband, has a role here, though it seems he shares no time with her, which was just as well for both of them. Skye Aubrey's casting was, in my view, strange, given that her father, James Aubrey, was CBS President from 1959 to 1965. Nonetheless, both Mr. Boyd and Ms. Aubrey do great work here.

Overall, the episode seems jumpy, because so much is crammed into 30 minutes, but it is definitely a decent episode. And the flower children make the episode special, giving this a real period charm.
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