Review of Destroyer

Destroyer (1988)
It's called Destroyer for a reason
18 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Many people who review this have called it a slasher movie. This is entirely inaccurate, because the killer does not stab or slash his victims to death, he DESTROYS them. It's sort of like wrestle-maniac, in that the killer is maniacal, and Destroys his victims only using his bare hands along with novelty weapons akin to steel chairs used in wrestling. The movie itself licks ass, but within the retarded plot are enough bizarre, hilarious and awesome scenes to make it worth walking. Rent it with a bottle of malt liquor and some pork rinds, scrape the sticky lint coating off of your VCR, and get ready for some low quality junk with brief flashes of greatness (and breasts) between long awkward stretches of crappy videotape.

Best appreciated with one hand on the fast forward button to shorten the rough sections with no boobs or Alzado.
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