Why in the heck is this movie rated so high?!
8 March 2011
This is one of the worst action movies I have ever seen in my life. I grew up watching Schwartznegger movies, so I know a horrible action movie when I see one.

These men, let me correct that, these senior citizens, need to retire and never make a movie ever again. It will be interesting to see what kind of non-human creatures Sly Stallone and Mickey Rorke turn into as time goes on. Its so obvious in this movie how messed up their bodies are in real life. People in their 60s are not suppsosed to look like they do. I don't even know how to describe them. Those two have cut and lifted and filled with plastic every inch of their skin, injected tons of steroids and HGH and god only knows what else. Their is no way they live another year or two - Oh, I'm sure they will be alive, or at least animate, but "alive" in a human sense? I seriously doubt it, at least when that happens Stallone will have an excuse for the ridiclious way he talks.

I have no idea what this movie was really about, and neither do any of the people who made or were in this movie.

Randy Couture - The only person involved with this movie who is worthy of respect. However, I respect Couture as a man, and as an athlete, but not as an actor. Can't say I blame him for wanting to make a good deal of money without getting punched in the face but HOLY JEBUS is he a bad actor! I started laughing before he even uttered a line of dialogue, just his facial expressions betrayed his downright awful "acting" skills.
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