Being Human (2011–2014)
Started Watching US and BBC versions at the same time - US is better
1 March 2011
I was surprised to find myself enjoying the US version so much more, but I think the BBC version is suffering from the 'corny-cool-campy' setup that so much British TV sci fi employs. Also, the American acting for the main characters is much much better than the BBC character version. That BBC vamp with his hair, clothes and his pouting brooding faces makes me embarrassed for humanity at times.

I think the difference between the BBC version and the US version is that the BBC version is more like Buffy The Vampire Slayer was in the US at first. Low budget, likable characters and plots, bad acting, bad effects, but it generated a rabid fan base due to some endearing qualities.

The US version seems to have taken the best elements, and coupled it with really great camera work, screen direction and atmosphere, and thus raised the quality of the show. The American version is funnier too. The humor is more subtle and less 'big' in the US version.
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