Not Kevin Bacon's Best Outing ....
26 February 2011
Well, Kevin Bacon has a limited role in this flick, the star being some good looking black dude with an impossibly hard to pronounce name. Even if you know who this guy is, you will forget about him very soon. He is terrible. But he does have muscles and nice teeth. Whoop whoop. Oh, and his martial art sequences are almost convincing if you close one eye and overlook the fact that the actor has no balance. If Kevin Bacon takes another project like this, he too will lose star power.

This movie is BAD. Very bad. No plot, no point, no story; and even the action sequences are out of sync. It takes place in Thailand, primarily in the red light district it would seem. Seems like every scene is shot at night too.

Dialogue is forced, choreography is poorly executed, and Kevin Bacon's Scottish accent is phony. But maybe he was trying to speak Welsh. Or Irish. Or Indian. Someone smarter than me in linguistics can probably do a better job of figuring out where Kevin Bacon pretended to be from.

This was a huge disappointment because I really like Kevin Bacon. What the hell was he thinking? Can't he get a better role? Is he so stupid that he can't figure out what a good story is? Maybe he has never read a good book in his life .. it is the only reasonable explanation.

Don't waste your time. This movie is phony from top to bottom. Film students could do a better job, that much is certain.
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