An odd Hollywood view of the 'New Cuba'--and it is interesting.
24 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Cameron Mitchell plays an American who has come to Castro's Cuba in order to locate a friend who has mysteriously disappeared. The police are quite nice and helpful but Mitchell's life is constantly at risk due to evil counter-revolutionaries. In addition, Mitchell's old girlfriend and their past relationship together is a simmering subplot.

This film was made during a tiny window in which the American film industry fell in love with Castro's Cuba and the Cubans moved towards Communism and repression. Errol Flynn made a couple films about this Cuba and "Pier 5, Havana" is another--odd little American relics where the new government was seen as very good and reasonable.

Seeing this film and its very idealistic view of the new Cuba is pretty interesting. Here in Castro's new utopia, the police allow people to walk around town with handguns, they don't send suspects to political prisons and there are no purges and executions. Instead, the bad guys are all the counter-revolutionaries bent on undoing the recent revolution and a bringing about a return of the Batista government through violence and murder.

Now all this is naive, but at the time it looked like this could be the new Cuba--so I can forgive this. However, what I had more trouble with was the occasionally bad dialog and awkward plotting. Now I am NO saying it's a bad film--it's just not a very good one. I'd recommend it more as an unusual curiosity as opposed to a good film.

HORRIBLE Cliché WARNING: At the end, Mitchell catches the bad guy and is holding a gun on him. Does he shoot this dangerous man? NOPE! He drops the gun to duke it out man-to-man! Also, CONVENIENTLY, the lady's husband just happens to die so she and Mitchell can have each other. The way this is handled is SUPER-awkward.
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