Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008 Video Game)
First Tomb Raider game and really enjoyed it
18 February 2011
This is my first review so go easy on me. Tomb Raider: Underworld follows the story from the previous game Tomb Raider: Legend where Lara, as a 9 year old girl gets stranded in the Himalayas with her mom when, suddenly her mom disappears through a portal and Lara tries to solve the mystery that her dad started about what really happened to her mom. So she starts out in the Mediterranean Sea after a colleague of her dads said that a hint about Avalon might be in some ruins at the bottom. After playing through the game I found that it was similar to 2 games that I owned before getting it, those two being Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and James Bond 007: Agent Under Fire. HP, because of the puzzle solving and collecting Wizard Cards, and James Bond because of the shooting and different weapons, though I liked Underworld's camera view better than James Bond.

The graphics were amazing; it's like watching a movie especially with the cinematics in the game; the story is unbelievably awesome, unpredictable and very well thought out and done and also connected very well to Legend's story; combat was very fun especially with the Adrenaline Headshot. The only blemish(9.5 but can't do that so 10) with my rating is with the camera angles at certain points in the game. Make sure, at least, to buy Legend first to get accustomed with the story before playing Underworld which is the climax of the story like I did. You can buy Anniversary edition if you want to. Some people didn't like how Allister and Zip weren't in Underworld as much as Legend but It didn't bug me as much. One glitch that I had to endure was during the Southern Mexico level, I got stuck because I saved my game after jumping over a pillar laying across the hallway in Xibalba then stopped and went back to go get a treasure, but when I started from when I saved it, the motorcycle was on the other side of the pillar than I was so I had to start over, just to warn you.
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