More of This, Please.
30 January 2011
There seems to be a new kind of dramedy-type storytelling, and we liked what we saw in HappyThankYouMorePlease. Write off asking yourself why some of the characters did what they did; if you burden yourself with trying to understand their logic as the stories unfold, you may get too frustrated with one or more characters. Just embrace the film, as the characters will eventually answer the questions you've been asking.

At first I was a little confused with the way the stories were intertwined, but by allowing them to unfold, I truly began to empathize with almost everyone in the film. I understand that it's a "coming-of-age" flick. But the way the characters portrayed themselves and interacted with each other, I grew to enjoy everyone. And don't be gun-shy about another COA flick (even as they are being so played out, it seems).

The difference to me, was how the characters acted towards each other. There seemed to be a decent bit of ad-libbing that helps bring down the guard of a skeptical viewer. There were good friends that seemed like they were long-time friends who happened to get together to make this film. I found myself rooting for each main character. The photography was nice, the writing and acting were special. Direction was very sensitive to people who are complicated in their goals of streamlining their lives. I empathized with them as they had to confront their adversities (or, themselves). The deduction I gave was for feeling a bit confused during the first part of the film. By its end, I was very satisfied.
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