Review of Monster

Monster (2008 Video)
Absolute Garbage
28 January 2011
There are two big surprises that came at the end of this movie: 1) realizing that they managed to stretch it to almost 90min and 2) this thing had a half-million dollar budget?! Here's how Monster got made: 2 girls with no acting chops and rudimentary filmmaking skills saw Cloverfield and thought, 'Hey, we can do that!' At least they managed to swindle a trip to Japan out of whoever provided the funding for this thing, though you'd barely know it. Over half the outdoors, identifiable scenes were filmed in LA's Little Tokyo, complete with LA skyline in the background! Gawd. Add to this the gobbledy-guk the one girl tries to pass off as Japanese, the non-Japanese actors passed off as Japanese, generally awful acting and persistent 'film damage' issues and you're left with an unwatchable mess. The 'creature' is non-existent, the special effects are generally poor, and there's no drama of any kind.

Nitpicky issues notwithstanding, the film could be good if it had had some decent acting, a single interesting character or any semblance of a plot. Instead, we're left with two plain-looking, flat-affect, uninteresting girls stumbling their way through ninety-minutes of dull meandering through poorly set up scenes. Please give me the last hour and a half of my life back.
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