He's like a cat, only not very cute
26 January 2011
With a running time of half an hour(or 28 and a half minutes, sans credits), this is the longer of the two featurettes on the DVD of Jason X, and focuses, of course, on that movie, though it isn't a making of... the shorter of these is. It consists of interviews(including with the awesome and terrifying Kane Hodder), clips of the various films(and ones not from this series) and stills of promotional stuff and reviews("Jason Lives – for no readily apparent reason", *excellent* headline). They talk about the earliest slasher flicks, the history of the franchise(starting with the first(detailing how they put the original together and its background) and going over the major changes, and how this one is a bit of a reimagining), the various death scenes, and they get into the violence in movies discussion(...care to take a guess at what side they're on? *Man*, are some horrible things said on this subject, dude, if that's your best argument, STFU and don't give the opposition ammo like that). There is blood, gore, violence, sexuality and nudity in this. I recommend this to fans of the Friday the 13th flicks. 6/10
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