Family Guy: Quagmire's Dad (2010)
Season 8, Episode 18
Yeah let's help spread hatred and inequality
25 January 2011
I am a transsexual who is constantly faced with threats, violence, discrimination, and horrors which one could not imagine. I receive death threats on a weekly basis, have had to fight to keep my job and my child and my sanity. Imagine my horror when I see my favorite show glamorizing violence and hatred toward transsexuals. The rest of the world works on a daily basis trying to invalidate our existence. With your show tonight you created more hatred and perpetual bigotry and you helped spread inequality. I know of a lot of people who will no longer be watching your show after tonight, myself included. This show did nothing but portray us as the child molesters and violent criminals which we are not. Thank you so much for helping spread hate. Next time I return home with a black eye or a broken wrist and I am turned away at the emergency room or laughed at by the police I will know who to blame.
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