Review of Kiru

Kiru (2008)
Not very good
11 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A low budget multi-part film put together by Mamoru Oshii that was billed on the box as the climaxes of four action films to save you from having to wait for 90 minutes to pass to get to them.

The reality is they are four films that are just okay and probably not really worth your time.

The first film is about what happens when one girl tries to rescue her sister and ends getting killed---well there by hangs the tale is really good in theory but is poorly executed.

The second film is a mock old movie about a young kid who is good with a sword taking on bullies.

The third film is about cursed swords in the gun age.

The last film is Assault Girls 2- why 2 I don't know since this lead to a feature sequel (or so I'm told). Its this last film that was of interest to me since it was directed by Oshii. High on visual style the film is the shortest of the quartet and it ends before it goes anywhere. Its a great piece- but piece it is and little more.

Actually all of the films aren't much of anything and not really worth the taking the time to see since none are memorable- except the last one- but thats way too late.
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