Best movie
11 January 2011
I live in a country that once was a part of Yugoslavia. And i lived through the war. Yes, the propaganda was the only thing that give this terrible war its drive. I read all reviews and no one even mentioned the one line, one dialogue in the film, to me, the most powerful dialogue in the whole film, cruelly revealing what was this war all about, why so many innocent lives were lost, so many families divided or destroyed, because in this war brother really was shooting at a brother. The dialogue goes: 1. Why did you burn my workshop? 2. Why did you kill my mother? 1. I burnt nobody's workshop! 2. Nor I killed anybody's mother?". The whole war was about this - propaganda. People doing horrible things to each other just because they were told that the others did or would do horrible things to them or their loved ones. I carry no hate in my heart, i have friends from all sides and know that people on all sides suffered. And I know what politics and propaganda are able to do. I live in Slovenia and I'm pure Slovenian... that means I have no roots in other republics of former Yugoslavia, yet I cried when the war started in Bosnia and that wasn't the only time I cried because of the war going on. The worst thing about this war were the accusations. All sides claimed that they were pure and that the others are animals doing all the atrocities, yet they were all the same. And that is the tragedy of Yugoslav war that is nicely shown in this film, especially in the end, when Milan wants to kill the Muslim soldier in the hospital. The hate in his eyes says it all.
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