Antichrist (2009)
What has this movie to do with Antichrist.. Nothing
12 December 2010
This is good movie about Human Relationships based on Sex. It seems that, nowadays human relationships are based in Money or in Sex, Sometimes both. To me, it means, that the "so called" Artists, are no longer able to create "Works of Art". God's solution is to burn those Bastards. Since "Sodom & Gomorrah", thru the Inquisition, there is a need to "PURGE" humanity from "bad thought". This is best done by fire. And Lars Von Trier is my first candidate. Not that he is the worse, by far, but because he attempts to give "cultural credibility" to what is an "old cinema GENRE", Horror.

Horror Movies have always existed. They were designed to frigthen people in "order to behave = become normal". This movie purposes the Opposite. Go to Hell, Lars..
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