Food Matters (2008)
Tells the Truth & Nothing But The Truth
8 December 2010
Nothing New Age about it! The types of people trying to get the message across that food matters, have been around for AGE's. It's just that most people can't handle the truth and choose to see it as new age baffle. A lot of emphasis goes on the Pharmaceuticals and money changers, but I think the public is just as much to blame for turning a blind eye.

Is what it is...It tells the truth and most of the people telling it simply don't get the recognition they deserve as their credentials are not recognized by the very firms that poison us to begin with. How can they only 6% of doctors in medical schools are only being taught about the importance of nutrition.

The System is a Joke and most people are laughing their way, to their own graves. Since viewing over 12 months ago I have personally recovered from a host of illnesses. Its change my life around and I know it's True.

Well worth the watch, you'll be thankful you did!
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