Review of Group Sex

Group Sex (2010 Video)
Netflix told me: You Just Finished Watching Group Sex
5 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's my fault for being a fan of Greg Grunberg ever since first catching a glimpse of him as the pilot in the pilot of Lost and then seeing another 30-seconds of him in Mission: Impossible III, that I watched the streaming version of Group Sex from Netflix. I also made it through the only good season (#1) of Heroes to see him, then quit after episode 0206, or so, when I got bored with old Japan.

But, I digress…I thought this would be another "smart" sexually deviant comedy, i.e. The Hangover, Hot Tub Time Machine or any Paul Rudd feature. Unfortunately, it was just another LIE movie that I'm getting so sick of. So much so, I felt the need to create a LIE sub-movie-category for my website.

They say there's only so-many actual plots floating around since (wo)man could write. What is it? Three basic plots? Seven? I think there should be a new one introduced called: The LIE plot. This is where someone inadvertently gets involved with someone (99% the opposite sex) by being mistaken for (insert "hilarious" group, sexual preference, job, etc) and must maintain that alternative reality in order to get the girl/guy. Around the 80% mark of the film, the LIE is revealed and the significant other is turned off. Between 80%-95% of the film, the "Oh, woe is me…really, I am a great guy/gal and I was so wrong for wronging that person" period takes place and the inevitable reconciliation happens. 95%-100% is the makeup.

Sure, some films actually shock the sh*t out of me by not having the two get together at the end, and that, generally, will earn the movie a full extra star. But for the most part, it follows suit…and so very closely, you can actually clock the occurrences or funny scenarios to the minute.

For those people out there that see 1-2 or less movies a year, you'll be pleasantly surprised at these no-brainer films. I see 20-25 movies a month and the "effect" of the LIE movie does nothing for me anymore. Once it's confirmed it's a LIE movie, a frown is placed on my face until they prove to me they can do better by tweaking the centuries-old "trick."

Wow…that's my rant of the review. This "LIE" film involves Andy (Cooke) and his sex-crazed buddy, Jerry (Grunberg), two ad-execs who party all night when all Andy wants to be is loved. Incredibly, he shows this by following a complete stranger to her Sex-Addict Therapy Group and (as always) inadvertently, gets mistaken for someone struggling with sex addiction. Let the hilarity ensue.

He falls for her, Vanessa (Odette Yustman), but there's a catch! You can't have a relationship, namely sexual, with someone within the Sex-Addict Therapy Group. Duh. I bet you can't also wager on who'll succeed in Gamblers Anonymous or drink to the person most likely to survive in AA.

Regardless, Andy likes this girl and this puts a strain on his non-sexual, but very, very close relationship with Jerry. Make that, it's Jerry who's far too close with Andy. Jerry will stop at NOTHING to get his non-sexual boyfriend back while Andy's life is quickly falling apart in order to show he's better than the life he used to live.

Will he get the girl? Will he non-romantically make up with his non-sexual boyfriend, Jerry? Will he help others when his advertising job is at stake? You'll just have to watch…but come on. In addition to being a LIE film, as most of them turn out to be, it's a "Find Yourself" film and we all know where that leads.

I will admit, despite my shallow desires to watch the film solely on Grunberg's shoulders, he was the highlight of the film. His humor and one-liners were pitch-perfect. He stole every scene as did Tom Arnold, as usual.

Despite its predictable nature, it's a harmless picture, though for adults only. It's not the raunchiest film I've seen. In fact, if I were to guess, it would be in the bottom half of the top 50. But, it contains enough sexual situations and innuendos to ward off both the Republicans and local TV stations from showing even an edited version.

Again, if you only see 1-2 movies a year, or unfamiliar with a LIE movie, feel free to spend an hour and a half with these characters that you will have absolutely no idea where each will end up. Besides, Greg almost gets naked. That should be enough.
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