Review of The Mirror

The Twilight Zone: The Mirror (1961)
Season 3, Episode 6
Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the nuttiest of them all!
16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** In what's obvious a lame attempt by Rod Slerling to discredit the 1956-1959 Castro Peasant Revolution in Cuba the Twilight Zone episode "The Mirror" has this Fidel Castro wannabe Ramos Clemente, Peter Falk, and his band of scuzzy unkempt and unshaven followers taking over a Central American country in a popular peasant revolution. That's after a bloody year long guerrilla war against it's also very obvious western installed dictator Gen.De Cruz, Will Kuluva.

Drunk with victory together with about a dozen bottles of wine he gulped down Clemente has De Cruz brought before him to both psychically and mentally torture and abuse the poor and defenseless man. It's an unafraid De Cruz who puts the thought into the deranged Clemente's head about a mirror in the presidential palace that predicts, by closely looking in it, who among his loyal followers are secretly planning to knock the madman off when he isn't looking.

It's after Gen. De Cruze is dispatched via a firing squad that Clemente with his bloodshot eyes starts to look deep into the mirror to see if what the now departed De Cruz told him is in fact true! Sure enough Clemente sees the very persons who put him into power are in fact planning to knock him off when the chance presents itself to them. In no time at all the by now totally mashuga, nuts in Yiddish, Clemente ends up murdering the loyal comrades whom without them he can't both run and control the country that they help him take over!

***SPOILERS*** It's the local priest Father Tomas, Vladimir Sokolff, who finally put Clemente straight in trying to get the by now totally out of control Communist dictator to stop the wholesale executions that he ordered thats going on non stop in the country. Father Tomas telling Clemente how evil and out of touch with reality his crazed actions are has him finally see the light through a bullet hole through his thick skull that Clemente, in him finally realizing just how crazy he is, mercifully inflicted on himself!

P.S If that only would have happened to Fidel! Think of all the trouble money and embarrassment it would have have saved us over the years in trying to take him out!
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