A stain in Ecuadorian filmmaking
10 November 2010
It is quite a surprise (and pride) for all of us Ecuadorians that our filmmaking is finally developing. After hearing about this film, the first thing that interested me was the title. This movie had a quite potential for making a great social critic towards immigration problems and resembling it to the Greek myth of Prometheus. But since our mistaken concept of patriotism, the film was just a show-up of the typical stereotypes Ecuadorians have for ourselves, filled up with inside jokes that would never be understood by any foreign.

The filmmaker took a huge risk by trying to develop the plot (if there is any) in one ambiance, but his lack of experience made it quite monotonous and boring. It's 90 minutes of the same thing: The characters doing nothing. There is no evolution in the plot, but a little attempt to attach the magic realism to it (obviously a failed attempt).

What I have to say, mostly as an Ecuadorian, is that our country is more than a roasted guinea pig or a "ceviche". It is a shame that we still think that our folklore is the only valuable thing about us, taking this as an excuse for making "visit our country" type of films. The immigration reality is much more raw and difficult than what this film portrays. I just wish this movie would never leave Ecuador, because personally I think this failure doesn't represent me as an Ecuadorian citizen.
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