Review of Zift

Zift (2008)
" Keep your eye on the Darkness as it seeps into your life and devours you "
3 November 2010
Not often does a European or foreign film captures your attention as you sit to watch it. Here is one which will do just that. The Black and White movie later transferred to the big screen by Vladislav Todorov was superbly directed by director Javor Gardev. The gut wrenching story develops in an isolated dank, dark, brutal, Bulgarian Prison where our hero " Zift " (Zahary Baharov) otherwise known as 'The Moth' has just been granted early Parole. The movie depicts his early years, which includes his school, girlfriend, Ada (Tanya Ilieva) and a short-lived life of crime. Falsley imprisoned for his part in a murder-robbery gone bad, he insists he is innocent. Just when the audience begins to believe Moth only wants to leave the country and journey to the tropics, they are introduced to 'Slug' (Vladimir Penev) a brutal, sadistic partner who plans' on trailing Moth in a desperate search for a mysterious diamond said to have been stolen during the murder/robbery. The stark, bloody, black and white images, along with the director's ability to scatter mayhem and death through the dark rainy streets of Bulgaria offers a realistic movie which is direct, honest and as for this reviewer, a magnificent Classic of the first magnitude. Superior acting. ****
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