Review of Let Me In

Let Me In (I) (2010)
Let it be...
31 October 2010
I have just got out of a preview screening of this movie (UK viewer) and it is the first time i have left the cinema with a smile on my face in years. It was a brilliant remake of the Swedish original, and although it takes the structure and the characters from the original, it stands on its own as a different take on the story.

Critics, including myself, had fingers at the keyboard ready to slaughter this film, and hang it and use it as a hung example as to why Hollywood shouldn't remake foreign films. It is completely the opposite, it has kept the integrity of the first film and focused mostly on the relationship between the vampire and the child, but added much more depth to their characters, and some better more intense than the original.

Although it is advertised as a horror film to bring in the masses, it is so much more. There is a lot more blood and guts than the first but not taken out of proportion. And the bond between the protagonist's is beautifully played out, such a bizarre situation made to feel real by two blossoming young actors. Every performance was of great quality.

I don't want to spoil the movie, but expect some of the same but something completely different. An intense thriller beautifully shot and worthy of it's original... check it out

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