A movie that no one has possibly seen or can recall has a score of 7.6.....can anyone see a problem with this?!
16 October 2010
I love IMDb--perhaps that is why I have written so many reviews. However, it annoys the heck out of me when I am searching on films and find reviews and lots and lots of scores for films that have disappeared over the years and cannot possibly have been seen. Unless you are about 100 years-old and have PERFECT recall, you have no business scoring this film as it does not exist--the film having been destroyed in a fire in 1931. So stop scoring films that don't exist--it screws it up for people who really want to find out about a film--not see the votes of some cult-like followers of a particular series. The same is true of the Marx Brothers first film--a short that Grouch described as a terrible film. Yet, despite not having been seen since the 1920s, it has tons of scores on IMDb! Do yourself a favor. Get the Charlie Chan box set and see "Eran Trece"--this is the Spanish language version the studio made at the same time they were making "Charlie Chan Carries On"--a common practice during the early days of sound films. Studios like Fox and MGM often made multiple versions of films for international release and sometimes even used the original stars--having them deliver their lines phonetically. Interesting.
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