"Animal House" on two wheels ..........
12 October 2010
"Masters of Menace" is a fraternity movie, only without the college, without the fraternity house, but with motorcycles. David Rasche and his "brothers" wreck havoc on the way to bury one of their own in Las Vegas. The movie is a franticly paced low brow comedy, with plenty of idiotic gags, and some surprising guest appearances by Dan Akroyd, Jim Belushi, John Candy, and George Wendt. Even "Smokey The Bear" gets into the act. If you enjoy stupid comedies like "Idiocracy" or "Strange Wilderness", this is one to check out. If you would not enjoy a movie centered around characters who can barely write their name in the mud with a stick, stay clear of "Masters of Menace". - MERK
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