Fear (1988)
Adequate Thriller
2 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Some Spoilers! As a video completest, I was drawn to this film because it stars Zoe Trilling--credited as Geri Betzler here--before she Anglicized her name. She has little to do in this movie but I was still entertained.

The plot centers on two Vietnam vets, one who is able to let the past go and another who can't. Cliff DeYoung stars as a father, and war veteran, who takes his family to the country for a retreat from the big city. While they are on the road, so is a bus full of convicts with Sylvetser Stallone's brother, that vampire from Subspecies and the aforementioned Vietnam vet with monsters in his closet. When the convicts breakout, they hijack DeYoung's RV and make him take them to their remote cabin. Enroute, the Vietnam vet convict loses his marbles and starts a bloody rampage, believing he is still in the bush.

STORY: $$$ (This has an okay script. The fact that the hero is also a Vietnam vet makes it more watchable than the usual deranged, disgruntled vet killing everyone in his path, ala Don't Answer the Phone. We also get subplots with DeYoung's marriage on the rocks with Kay Lenz and Michael Watson as the pretty convict trying to prove that he isn't gay).

ACTING: $$$ (The acting was a surprise. Cliff DeYoung is good as always, as is Kay Lenz in a supporting role as his wife. Zoe Trilling had yet to establish herself--she chews up much more scenery in films like Night Terrors and Night of the Demons II. But the best acting comes from an unlikely source: Frank Stallone. This role seemed perfect for his talents. Frank shines as an angry, ready-to-fight convict).

SEXUALITY: $ (Nothing here. Stallone cops a feel on Zoe Trilling's ample breasts but he is taken care of before he can advance his troops).
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