Review of Fred

Fred (2008–2014)
Entertaining At First, Then Went Downhill
27 September 2010
I stated on my Fred the Movie review that I'm not a fan of Lucas's. This isn't to say I'm a "hater" as extremist fanboys would call me and thousands of others. I too was a fan! I got into Fred in his early days,when he was still part of JKL with his cousins. When Fred had half a million to a little over a million views. That's how early, not a bandwagon jumper. I thought he was entertaining,and helped take up some spare time in my day. At some point though, he jumped the shark and became the plummet downhill.

It strikes me as odd how Fred's movie came out; after he became washed up and really a nobody, becoming shadowed by renown Youtube celebrities like Shane Dawson,and the immortal Smosh. Fred was alright, but his quality began to go downhill, and he stopped being funny. He was just the high pitched ADD kid who just wanted to annoy everyone. I'm giving Fred a 1, because I grew out of the immaturity and sold my funny bone to Satan.

If you want someone to laugh with (or at) just go watch Shane Dawson or Smosh,someone with talent.
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