The first female James Bond?
16 August 2010
Two secret agents join forces in Egypt (and later in Switzerland) to locate & destroy an anti-radar device, and retrieve the plans of its design. One is a British male; the other is an American female. Her code name is 008, and, as the title suggests, she is actually the central hero(ine) of this film, quite atypically for its day. The two agents have an equal partnership, but if anyone is closer to the "sidekick" role, it's the man. Ingrid Schoeller plays what is quite possibly the first attempt of international cinema to create a female James Bond-type character: she is beautiful, curvaceous, sweet, intelligent, armed with gadgets, expert with a gun, and can handle herself in a fight without needing a man to rescue her (as she proves in a daring escape from an enemy-riddled beauty saloon). All this, combined with the lively banter between the two leads and the crazy double-twist ending (the first twist is smart; the second nonsensical!), make "A 008: Operazione Sterminio" one of the most enjoyable Eurospy movies of the period. **1/2 out of 4.
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