These reviewers must be cast
15 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Might I start out by saying I will watch almost any zombie movie on repeat regardless of 'corny-ness', 'hokeyness', or gore. This is not a zombie movie. If the title were renamed "american leper who eats raw steak" you would need to change less than 3 lines in the movie.

The movie starts out hopefully enough with the cast wanting to make a documentary about zombies in LA. They develop the undead were all killed violently, and no longer remember their past lives. They also find zombies all have some glowing blue goo that seems like it could get really interesting, and then never does. It is completely never explored. Never mentioned again after they encounter it. Random blue goo swept into the plot hole pile.

Then they start developing there might be something sinister happening at a zombie party, but they cant get in as humans. This too seems like a chance for zombie dress up or a spy entry plot, but it doesn't. They get permission and go into a zombie ren-fest thats just as boring as they're trying to make it look. You could name anything that would have made that scene more interesting, but I defy you to think to something more boring. You can't. They could be trading limbs or eating grotesque or walking on the bottom of lakes or something zombie-esquire. nothing at all out of the ordinary ren-fest.

Something ravages their tent and seems to be surrounding the crew in their tent and seems like it could be getting suspenseful, but then nothing happens. Its like the boy who cried zombie for an hour. No plot line is continued or sought out. At this point you are 3/4 through the movie and still can't find a plot line.

They get kicked out for the final night but they just walk over a hill and they're 30 feet from the center of everything, so..not really kicked out. Something happens I wont ruin, but its not scary, there's no blood or gore, and it doesn't tie into anything thats already happened.

Then there a bunch of aftermath interviews that just as easily could have been shown anywhere else in the movie and made as much sense, perhaps more. The last of these, and in the last 10 min, is when the possibility of a zombie movie arises. For no explained reason a lesser character attacks someone nonthreatening, and then after the whole team makes a decision, they do the opposite.

In summary: This movie has no plot at all.
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