CBS Reports: Gay Power, Gay Politics (1980)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
One of the most despicable smear pieces ever aired
8 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At the time this program was broadcast I was living in the San Francisco Bay Area, so, naturally, I was intrigued by the subject. I knew many gay people, and the gay community was by that time well integrated into the city's social, political and business structure.

The program started off with what seemed like a well-balanced presentation. Then, after about 20 minutes, the show charged drastically in tone. Every group -- religious, ethnic, social, economic and political -- has been stereotyped and characterized in negative ways in books, articles, plays and others forums and media.

But rarely before had I seen or read such a concentration of dirt and muck. For 40 minutes gay people were smeared, slandered, stereotyped and pulverized to such a degree that by comparison the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" looked like a puff piece.

I don't know what producer George George Crile's motivation was in creating such a hit piece, but the program should be used in broadcast journalism classes as an example of how not to make a news program.

As a former newspaper copy editor myself, I would have tossed it in the trash. It violated every rule concerning fairness, balance and structure. There were so many factual distortions and biases that I would have "spiked" the story as unsalvageable.

CBS should forever stand in disgrace for airing this monstrosity.
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