Family Guy: Quagmire's Dad (2010)
Season 8, Episode 18
You will find only cruelty an hatred heaped on a minority
27 July 2010
Full of stereotypical un-truths about trans-gendered people.This show is hatred...PURE and simply. This episode is actually bordering on incitement to harm or demean a marginalized sexual minority. The homophobia and trans-phobia in this episode is truly alarming.

You could not do this kind of thing to any other minority group and get away with it.

Trans-gendered people, according to family guy, are to be shunned, separated from society, listed as sexual deviants or predators,looked on as revolting, sickening to the point of projectile vomit.

This is akin to lynching negroes. To portray a group of people in such a negative light in the name of some sort of sick comedic kick is beyond evil. This is apparently the last minority its OK to bash publicly for jollies.

Absolulety disgusting... disturbing and close to psychopathic.

K. May. Ontario. Canada
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