12 Rounds (2009)
6 Rounds Too Many!
23 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I stopped seeing WWE by the age of 16, because that is when I found out that everything was staged and there was no true rivalry between anybody. So, I knew who John Cena (I was not a fan even back then, but I loved his trademark 'you can't see me') was and this looked like it could be a decent movie by the commercials they were airing on TV. Saw it last night and I have to say it doesn't impress much. Anyway when one sees the WWE logo at the start of the movie, you know what one can expect. So with extremely low expectations I sat down to watch the movie. One thing that I really hated was the use of way too much shaky cam. I normally like shaky cam direction, but this was just overkill for me, I couldn't even properly see the action scenes at times. And John Cena was very wooden in some scenes, but I forgave him as he is just a performer inside the ring and not cut out for movies (which actually requires a wooden character for the action hero part!) I actually like mindless action movies; this movie ripped off Die Hard and Speed, but still it was decent. Just don't expect much and you will probably not hate it. I saw it along with my best friend who slept after halfway through saying it was boring.

Danny Fisher (John Cena) is a new cop in the New Orleans department and his first day on the job is pretty exciting. Miles Jackson (Aidan Gillen) is a dangerous wanted felon who is being chased by the FBI for selling bombs and weapons, and he is roaming around the streets of New Orleans nonchalantly. The FBI manage to trap him around a warehouse, but he is smarter than they are and gives the FBI the slip. In the process of his escape, Danny Fisher jumps into the scene and somehow after chasing Aidan Gillen's car on foot for many blocks manages to corner Gillen. In the process, Gillen's hot girlfriend gets herself accidentally killed. He blames Fisher for her death and vows to avenge her. After a year, Gillen escapes from his top-security prison and makes a call to Danny Fisher, who is now a detective, informing him about his little revenge game. He has taken Fisher's girlfriend captive and has offered Fisher her safety if he plays his highly inventive and dangerous game, '12 Rounds'. Of course Fisher accepts and tries to be a one-man army to save his girlfriend.

I cannot believe this movie was made by the same guy who directed Die Hard 2 (which was good)! Streetcar gets stopped by a normal car! Wow! Streetcars front end are made to push sideways anything obstructing them and they move at a snail's pace, not at the frantic speed shown here. Wouldn't there be a special line for FBI officers to take control of the situation at hand? They wouldn't just call the local 911 number. If they did, they would have a special id confirmation password or something. That was just plain stupid on the part of the director. And there were just too many 'rounds', 12 was too much to bear with (the runtime is 100 minutes, but it felt like a 150 minute movie) . And that Scottish or English guy, Aidan Gillen looked like a comedian rather than a menacing character. And when Cena and his girlfriend reunite, its like they don't even know each other and they just seem to be going through the motions. Also I could see the twist in the tale from a mile away, still it elevated this movie somewhat. As I said before, leave out your brains before watching and you will probably not hate it. Though I enjoyed the movie at some parts, I seriously don't recommend it.

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