17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I have never been a fan of movies based on books with the exception of Harry Potter. The reason is that movies obviously can't fit all the content of a book into a hour and a half and there ends up being large gaps in the plot and unexplained events. If the audience has not read the books, they will most likely be confused. (With the exception of HP) I am a GUY, I HAVE READ the Twilight Saga, and I am PROUD of it. Personally, I enjoy the books, not because I am really interested in the Bella, Edward, Jacob love triangle...but the books took me to a world of fantasy and adventure that I could have never imagined. I read the books in Middle School (Im now in High School) and I am still a fan. The first movie to me was good, it seemed to set the tone for the rest of the movie series. New Moon was a huge step back, but this review isn't about those movies. Eclipse is personally my favorite book in the entire series, so I was really excited to see if they could finally get it right. Of coarse, I was wrong to hope for that. In the book, much more of the story is focused on the problem with the newborns in Seattle and Victoria and Riley's army. When I arrived at my local Cinaplex, I looked at the poster and I already knew it was going to suck..."It all begins...with a choice." is the movie's tag line. The movie starts and the first thing we see is Edward and Bella during a make out session. Apparently, kissing was the only thing the director could get the actors in the movie to do with passion, because he put it in almost EVERY scene! Yes, in the book, Bella and Edward show their love for each other...but not constantly! Its disgusting! The whole thing with Jacob is a mess too! Jacob shows frustration in the book that Bella wont recognize his feelings for her, but he gets way to physical with her in this movie. I can understand that he loves her, but he needs to calm down. In the book, it is easy to see why these boys are crazy for her...Because it EXPLAINS IT! In the movie, you really cant tell why they love her so much....Jacob and Edward fight over her like 2 children. Way to much of this movie is focused on the love triangle, if you've read the books...you know what Im talking about. What happened to the epic battle, the vicious Victoria, the back story of Jasper and Ros-a-who? (Yes, it was in the movie..but it was presented in such a way where it didn't affect the plot.) I mean Eclipse is the most action packed book in the series...and they made it BORING! Obviously, the makers of these movies are going for the tween audience only, because they only show kissing and awkward duologue...yes, I said DUOlouge. Personally, I didn't really think the movie was Awful, but it drags to the point where even the fight scene (no matter the size) couldn't even pick the tempo up. I saw the movie with my mom, (Dont Hate) she has never seen the movies or read the books...and she was not impressed. We left the Cinaplex confused, bewildered, frustrated, annoyed...the list goes on and on.... The only thing redeeming about this movie is that you can laugh at it, thats how pathetic it is. Robert doesn't do a bad job, he mumbles to much and need to show more passion. Lautner doesn't do a bad job either, every time he comes on the screen the girls scream...and I can breath, he is the only one in this movie that has a personality. Stewert is just dreadful....bottom line! I've thought about what she does wrong, and I just cant put my finger on it...Shes just bad. Overall, the movie could have and should have been better. Its movies like these that ruin the reputations of authors. All I can say is that Eclipse is the best movie in the series to date, and if you want to waste 9 bucks and 2 hours of your life, this movie is perfect for you... But I would suggest that if you see or have seen the movies, that you travel to your local Wal-Mart and spend 7 bucks on a paper back copy of the book or just read the entire series, because they are definitely worth your time...
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