Electra Woman and Dyna Girl (2001 TV Short)
About as vile as it gets.
14 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In 2001 some git had the bright idea to perform the equivalent of character rape on the old Kroft superheroine series Electra Woman and Dyna Girl. That this actually got greenlit for production and aired somewhere bespeaks of just how must hatred someone must have had for the original series. I caught part of this on its original airing and could barely make it through the first 10 minutes!

***Spoilers may follow*** Where to start on this? Electra Woman is now some sort of embittered ex-heroine, divorced, her husband having run off with Dyna Girl no less. Sprinkled throughout the movie are more sex references than one would expect on a TV show such as the bemoaning of the loss of a vibrator! I kid you not. And this was originally a children's show that the writers are doing this to now.

The plot, such as it is, involves mostly the efforts of a fan trying to get Electra Woman to come out of retirement and the advent of a new Dyna Girl. Toss in an old villain for good measure.

There's really nothing to redeem this movie. It was made for people who despised the original so they could snicker and sneer at whats been done to these characters. If you are a real fan of the original series then avoid this thing like the black plague. It is a pity there is not a rating below 1 as this garbage deserves a -10.
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