11 July 2010
I remember watching old Tarzan movies as a child, so I decided to check this movie out and see if they were as good as I remembered. What a mistake! This movie was boring beyond all belief. It was like watching Ozzie and Harriet in the jungle. The title is "Tarzan and the Amazons", not "An Intimate and Tedious Look at the Minutia of Tarzan's Family Life".

On the plus side, the time that was spent in the Amazon's hidden city was good. The matte used to depict the craggy mountains in the distance was mysterious and nicely done. The sets that show Tarzan traveling through those mountains showed the harshness and isolation of the area. The city, with its strange god and creepy priestess, was interesting. The big problem was that these sections only added up to about a third of the movie, while the boring family scenes took up the rest. The producer really dropped the ball on this one. There was so much potential wasted here. It could've been an imaginative romp through a strange world, but they chose to constantly show Cheetah fishing and acting like an idiot, and Boy sweeping the tree-house, and... Plus, the big dramatic ending seems totally rushed, and happens in a flash. If you blink, you'll miss it. It's like they said to themselves, "Oops, we spent too much time on the family stuff, we're at 1:15, we better cut it off now. No one will notice." Well, I guess they were right seeing how many "10" votes this lame movie got. Do you people actually think this deserves to be up there with Citizen Kane, the Shawshank Redemption, and the Godfather?

This is a lame movie with zealous and stupid fans. Don't waste your time with either...
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