Obscure, latter day Perkins horror
14 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've recently picked up an interesting little hobby where I check out thrift stores to see if they have any rare VHS movies that haven't made it to DVD. Well, I found this little movie tucked away on a shelf, and bought it for a grand total of 50 cents (and tax, of course.) I took it home and watched it, constantly afraid that the tape would break or the VCR would eat it. Luckily, the tape survived and I got to see the whole thing. Now, on to my thoughts about this film. Let me start out by saying this is very obscure. This is probably due to the fact that it doesn't fall into the horror category that the people who watched it expected, making it very disappointing to people who wanted to see a slice 'em and dice 'em slasher flick. This doesn't really even fall into the Hitchcock/Psycho suspense/mystery movie, so people who wanted to see an homage to "Psycho" would have probably been disappointed as well. So basically, the movie has no audience. It's also slow moving and filled with an unnecessary subplot about a man who lives by Perkins trying to get back together with a woman he was having an affair with. In the end, his character is only there to give the movie a protagonist, even though he doesn't save the day. The movie needed more Perkins and less of this guy, who sounds so very hilarious and awkward with his German accent that you just can't take him seriously. In the end (Big spoiler ahead!!!) Perkins is shot by the man who thought he was having an affair with his wife, even though it was actually the guy with the German accent. This is an original ending, but I was disappointed. I expected to see Perkins running through the streets being chased by the police...when instead this happens, the guy with the German accent and the redhead girl he was having an affair with look lovingly at each other, and the movie ends. Sorry for giving away the ending, but I don't really think there will be that many people reading this review anyway, so who cares? And furthermore, who cares about this movie? No one. The end.
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