Small scale movie, nicely filmed
12 June 2010
After seeing many recent movies that have jumbled time sequencings or puzzling plot elements, it is good to see a movie like this that is told in linear time at a pace that allows you to appreciate its qualities.

The story is that of a teacher in the Czech Republic, who decides to leave his post at an exclusive prep school in Prague to take a position teaching natural science in a small rural school. The school is happy to get such a qualified teacher, but also suspicious of why such a person would come to their school. In due course we come to understand the decision.

It is not without significance that the teacher (if he had a name in the movie, I missed it) favors teaching about biological diversity, since he is gay. Initially the teacher hides his sexual orientation out of the usual fears, and one of the interesting facts I got from having seen this is to understand that the status of gays in the Czech Republic is pretty much the same as that in the United States--teetering on the fulcrum of acceptance.

The filming is highly accomplished. I particularly liked the deft usage of the widescreen format. A lot would be lost by seeing a pan and scan version, since there are so many wonderful shots of characters on the sides of the screen played against a meaningful background. Director Sláma has a real talent for positioning his characters. The scene where the teacher reveals his sexual orientation to his mother, and subsequent scenes involving his father, are exquisitely filmed. Initially the teacher and his mother face each other from opposite sides of the screen with the father seen outside tending his bees. Then the father comes in and interposes himself between the two, then the characters change positions with the mother on one side, the teacher in the middle, and the father on the right, and on it goes. That sequence is one of the most carefully thought out and beautifully filmed I have ever seen. The camera work in this film is that of a highly skilled artist.

The characters are finely drawn with strong performances by all and the score adds depth.

This film should appeal to anyone who likes character driven movies where you get to know, care for, and understand the people and their motivations.
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