Out for Blood (2004 Video)
A Five Year Old Could Write Better,
20 May 2010
seriously, what the heck were these people thinking when they made this? some would say that there are far worser vampire movies out there, and i agree whole heartedly. but this thing can certainly butt heads with the crappiest of them, the plot is so overused it's as dead and hollow as the acting. the makeup was laugh out loud funny, if they were going for a menacing scary look they failed at the very start. and don't even get me started on the "MASTER VAMPIRE" most hilarious thing i have ever seen, he tries so hard to convey the impending doom thing that it's sad, i mean have you ever seen a vampire with a respiratory disorder? the only two people that could be taken serious was the main guy and Lance can't spell his last name. the people who try to praise this joke are seriously lacking the ability to distinguish a good or half decent movie from a god awful one, giving this film any sort of credit is like saying Hitler was a hero. to make a long story short it's terrible if you want to see a vamp movie with some actual good story writing watch Blade, Underworld, Bram Stokers Dracula, Interview with a vampire, and many more good ones. just avoid this one
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