Fair Short from Warner
5 May 2010
Soldiers in White (1942)

** (out of 4)

Fair short about a man (William T. Orr) who isn't too happy when he's drafted for WW2 only to be placed in the Army Medical Corps. Once there he doesn't take anything serious other than trying to track down a date with a nurse (Eleanor Parker) but soon something is going to change his mind. This Technicolor short from Warner is pretty boring as it's two-reels could have and should have been cut down to one. What really killed any of the entertainment for me was that I couldn't stand the lead character. Yes, he's suppose to be a jerk and a smart aleck but not once did I feel anything for him other than just finding him very annoying. I also didn't care too much for the nurse who is obviously here for a love interest. The two featured no chemistry and their childish bickering got old very quickly. There's no doubt that, once again, this short was made to give a message and that message is a good one but we didn't need all the childish stuff to get to the end speech. The one major plus is that we get to see Fort Sam Houston is glorious Technicolor and it's this beautiful color that makes this film worth seeing.
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